New CYP Service Director roles at Wakefield Council

***Campaign now live ****

We will be launching searches for two roles at Wakefield Council during August and September –Service Director – Strategy and Innovation (Children’s commissioning, transformation, early help and youth services in August) and Service Director Education & Inclusion (the lead officer for Education in September). Both roles will be reporting to a new Corporate Director for Children & Young People, with salaries of £87k. The roles bring a balance of delivering against short term imperatives and the building of positive futures for all Wakefield’s children and young people.

Information will be found on the recruitment microsite ourwakefield, with details of how to apply, timetables and the facility to download the Job Specifications found here on the Proventure Consulting website under the Roles section webpage (just hover over the “Roles” tab)

If you would like to be informed when the roles go live or to express an interest, please contact Elaine Smith via [email protected]