About ABC

Standard Page

This is any page that is not  role page and not the Landing page and should be placed on a page, not a post. Posts should be used to advertise a role, then pages should be used to create the role microsite within Proventure’s website.

You will need to do the following to make it work:

  • Create a timetable in Tablepress by copying and then amending the default table. Then grab the table ID and type it into this page. The same tablepress table can be used for all pages within the microsite, so only create one for the role.
  • Make sure that you don’t have any sidebars on this page – use Content (no sidebars) on the Sidebar Layout
  • Choose Narrow Header to ensure that the header is transparent.
  • Make sure that the header image is no more than 1,400px wide. Use that program I told you about to change the size and compression level. The bigger the image is, the longer it will take to load and the worse your Google ranking will be over time.
  • Use the Hemingway editor to write your content.
  • The name of this page should be the name of the role.
  • Add the location and salary if possible to the top of this page.
  • When you have all  your pages, create a menu and then click on the menu on this page and select your new role menu. Remember to remove old menus from time to time.

More Information


Closing Date10am Monday 5 February
First stage intervieww/c 12 February TBC.
Final stage interview and assessment centrew/c 12 March TBC.

stephen cooley Portrait

Stephen Cooley

tel: 07123 1234
email: stephen.cooley@proventureconsulting.co.uk

Mark Tobin portrait

Mark Tobin

tel: 07123 1234
email: mark.tobin@proventureconsulting.co.uk