
Career Management Course - get that job and and the one after......

What is Impress?

You moving forward in your career. Maybe at a time of redundancy, swapping sectors, stepping up to more senior roles or simply fancying a change.

Now, probably more than ever, you need our support to help you take those next career steps. 

We’ve been running career development courses for individuals and organisations since 2010 helpings hundreds of people move on, and this year we’ve gone online.

What will I gain?

Our programme enables you to:

  • Work out what you want in work AND what you are also good at.
  • Find great jobs including those hidden ones.
  • Translate your experience and successes to what employers actually want.
  • Decipher recruitment processes – gain control.
  • Nail interviews.
  • Develop confidence needed to get that perfect job.
  • Plan forward to secure the next job.


How does it work?

We use video conferencing for all of our sessions, so you can join from the office or the comfort of your own home (we wont judge your bookcase). 


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